Thamara Alves

Full stack web developer

Using your development environment, in the cloud as sample my website

Since I discovered c9: c9, I am using it as my development environment to my blog.

I created my blog using jekyll ( with github pages github pages: github pages, and my repository is on thamaraaalves: thamaraaalves

Create an c9 account. I created with github to transfer my repositories easily. C9 Cloud root

When I push on c9 instantaneously update on github GitHub master branch

Creating post using rake Creating post

Additional information - To compress images I use TinyPNG Tinypng compress tinypng: tinypng

Below step by step to run Jekyll on



Create a Post Create posts easily via rake task: $ rake post title=”Hello World”

The rake task automatically creates a file with properly formatted filename and YAML Front Matter. Make sure to specify your own title. By default, the date is the current date. The rake task will never overwrite existing posts unless you tell it to.

Create a Page Create pages easily via rake task: $ rake page name=”” Create a nested page: $ rake page name=”pages/” Create a page with a “pretty” path: $ rake page name=”pages/about”# this will create the file: ./pages/about/index.html The rake task automatically creates a page file with properly formatted filename and YAML Front Matter as well as includes the Jekyll Bootstrap “setup” file.

Publish After you’ve added posts or made changes to your theme or other files, simply commit them to your git repo and push the commits up to GitHub. $ git add .$ git commit -m “Add new content”$ git push origin master

Referrences jekyllrb: jekyllrb