Publishing my app on Google Play Store for the fist time
Happiness after achieving a goal, that was learning how to launch/publish an app built with ionic on play.google.com.
Below a screen showing my success:
Reminder it was just the beginning, a beta test. I am going to improve and launch a real and interesting app. (*Promise)
Using vagrant with Asp .Net Core
Basically install vagrant Vagrant, but what’s vagrant?
Vagrant allow you to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.To make vagrant works you need a virtual machine, I usually use Virtual Box VirtualBox
Create an ASP.NET core project in Visual Studio
Or just clone or download my project from gitlab Gitlab project: Gitlab project
… download the vagrant file vagrant file directly.
After you install vagrant, and virtualbox, create an asp core project, insert the vagrant file you’ve downloaded on the project root, open the prompt, and run the commands:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager You should see something like this:
vagrant up You should see something like this:
Vagrant up will install the windows server 2012, and build up everything, will take time, be patience, wait, and enjoy.
Merci * – *
Using your development environment, in the cloud as sample my website
Since I discovered c9: c9, I am using it as my development environment to my blog.
I created my blog using jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com/) with github pages github pages: github pages, and my repository is on thamaraaalves: thamaraaalves
Create an c9 account. I created with github to transfer my repositories easily.
When I push on c9 instantaneously update on github
Creating post using rake
Additional information - To compress images I use TinyPNG
tinypng: tinypng
Below step by step to run Jekyll on c9.cloud:
- gem install jekyll
- jekyll new my-awesome-site
- cd my-awesome-site
- jekyll serve –host $IP –port $PORT –baseurl ‘’
Create a Post Create posts easily via rake task: $ rake post title=”Hello World”
The rake task automatically creates a file with properly formatted filename and YAML Front Matter. Make sure to specify your own title. By default, the date is the current date. The rake task will never overwrite existing posts unless you tell it to.
Create a Page Create pages easily via rake task: $ rake page name=”about.md” Create a nested page: $ rake page name=”pages/about.md” Create a page with a “pretty” path: $ rake page name=”pages/about”# this will create the file: ./pages/about/index.html The rake task automatically creates a page file with properly formatted filename and YAML Front Matter as well as includes the Jekyll Bootstrap “setup” file.
Publish After you’ve added posts or made changes to your theme or other files, simply commit them to your git repo and push the commits up to GitHub. $ git add .$ git commit -m “Add new content”$ git push origin master
Referrences jekyllrb: jekyllrb
Learning french listening good french music - 2
As these days, here is another good one french music… Cause, I like to discovery new musics everyday.
I didn’t know this singer, also the music, I just liked, sounds amazing. :)
Take a look!
To listen:
Merci! Avoir une belle journée :)
Simple way to create and use Shadow DOM
Reporting working life
I’ve been studying, learning and working as a web developer. Yeahh, at the same time. This experience is amazing, you learn things to put in a real project.
I met shadow DOM when I was studying web components. Bellow, is a simple code to start creating a simple shadow DOM content (in this case ready document could be call more than once). Take a look! Later, I’m gonna explain with details, and with better documentation.
var numberHosts = $('#host').data('numberHosts'); //1. create the shadow dom of the container var host = document.querySelectorAll('#host'); if (host[numberHosts]) { var root = host[numberHosts].createShadowRoot(); var template = document.querySelectorAll('#template'); var clone = document.importNode(template[numberHosts].content, true); kendo.ui.progress($(root.getElementById('Content')) , true); root.appendChild(clone); //2. create variables var DeleteButtonID= $(root.getElementById('DeleteButton')); if ($('#host').data('numberHosts')==0 || $('#host').data('numberHosts')>0) $('#host').data('numberHosts', $('#host').data('numberHosts')+1); }
One important thing is when you create a shadow DOM, your ROOT will be encapsulate, to customize, for example if you are using KENDO UI framework, you have to import the stylesheet putting the code bellow inside the tags < style > < /style >:
/* to use external style sheets inside shadow dom */ @import url('<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/Content/kendo/kendo.common.min.css") %>')
Anyway, we can’t forget the HTML structure with the tags(template, content), below a simple code:
<template id="template"> <%--css style--%> < style > /* to use external style sheets inside shadow dom */ @import url('<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/Content/kendo/kendo.common.min.css") %>'); < / style > <%-- structure DOM elements --%> <%-- content --%> <div id="Content"> <div id="grid" ></div> <content> </content> </div> </template>
References and some fonts:
Merci! :)
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