Thamara Alves

Full stack web developer

Installing polymer in a WebForm project

After long time I am back. This is my second post since I created this personal site.

This is a technical post. I started to learn polymer, webcomponents, to create a reusable module using webform with c# this month.

Anyway, the question is “How to install polymer in the project”?

First of all, make sure you have nodejs, and git installed in your computer. If not, install them:

Nodejs: Nodejs
Github: Github


1- create a webform/mvc project

2- in node js (with bower, polymer, and git installed)

3- inside the project folder execute the comand: bower init > after set the settings

4- after execute the command: bower install Polymer/polymer –save

Others comands options:

comand: bower info polymer

comand: bower info polymer/polymer

If you have some trouble with git command in node.js prompt, try this below:

execute the comand: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\Thamara Alves\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\bin

but, change the

set PATH=%PATH%;;

So, like this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;

Or this: (Notice the (x86) )

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;

Comands to install new elements:

inside the path: Scripts\bower_components\webcomponentsjs>

execute the comand: bower install –save PolymerElements