Simple way to create and use Shadow DOM
Reporting working life
I’ve been studying, learning and working as a web developer. Yeahh, at the same time. This experience is amazing, you learn things to put in a real project.
I met shadow DOM when I was studying web components. Bellow, is a simple code to start creating a simple shadow DOM content (in this case ready document could be call more than once). Take a look! Later, I’m gonna explain with details, and with better documentation.
var numberHosts = $('#host').data('numberHosts');
//1. create the shadow dom of the container
var host = document.querySelectorAll('#host');
if (host[numberHosts]) {
var root = host[numberHosts].createShadowRoot();
var template = document.querySelectorAll('#template');
var clone = document.importNode(template[numberHosts].content, true);
kendo.ui.progress($(root.getElementById('Content')) , true);
//2. create variables
var DeleteButtonID= $(root.getElementById('DeleteButton'));
if ($('#host').data('numberHosts')==0 || $('#host').data('numberHosts')>0)
$('#host').data('numberHosts', $('#host').data('numberHosts')+1);
One important thing is when you create a shadow DOM, your ROOT will be encapsulate, to customize, for example if you are using KENDO UI framework, you have to import the stylesheet putting the code bellow inside the tags < style > < /style >:
/* to use external style sheets inside shadow dom */
@import url('<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/Content/kendo/kendo.common.min.css") %>')
Anyway, we can’t forget the HTML structure with the tags(template, content), below a simple code:
<template id="template">
<%--css style--%>
< style >
/* to use external style sheets inside shadow dom */
@import url('<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/Content/kendo/kendo.common.min.css") %>');
< / style >
<%-- structure DOM elements --%>
<%-- content --%>
<div id="Content">
<div id="grid" ></div>
<content> </content>
References and some fonts:
Merci! :)